The complete ITI Electrician study material, notes, important question answer and other iti various topics in hindi.
Read and practice basic to high level iti electrician. Free ITI GK and wireman trade for competitive examination in hindi language.
This app helpful for government job exams like Railway, UPSC HPSC.
Power generation
Thermal power plants
Machine control panel
Wiring accessories
Domestic devices
Nuclear power plants
Energy sources in hindi
Transmission power
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electrician theory notes in hindi
Materi studi lengkap ITI Electrician, catatan, jawaban pertanyaan penting dan berbagai topik lainnya di hindi.
Baca dan latih dasar hingga tingkat tinggi tukang listrik. Gratis ITI GK dan perdagangan wireman untuk ujian kompetitif dalam bahasa hindi.
Aplikasi ini bermanfaat untuk ujian pekerjaan pemerintah seperti Kereta Api, UPSC HPSC.
Pembangkit listrik
Pembangkit listrik termal
Panel kontrol mesin
Aksesori kabel
Perangkat domestik
Pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir
Sumber energi di hindi
Daya transmisi
iti electrician answer answer in hindi
iti menjawab pertanyaan tipe objektif di hindi
catatan teori listrik di hindi